% Boyd & Vandenberghe "Convex Optimization"
% Joëlle Skaf - 08/23/05
% The goal is to show the following problem formulations give all the same
% optimal residual norm ||Ax - b||:
% 1)        minimize    ||Ax - b||
% 2)        minimize    ||y||
%               s.t.    Ax - b = y
% 3)        maximize    b'v
%               s.t.    ||v||* <= 1  , A'v = 0
% 4)        minimize    1/2 ||y||^2
%               s.t.    Ax - b = y
% 5)        maximize    -1/2||v||*^2 + b'v
%               s.t.    A'v = 0
% where ||.||* denotes the dual norm of ||.||

% Input data
n = 4;
m = 2*n;
A = randn(m,n);
b = randn(m,1);
p = 2;
q = p/(p-1);

% Original problem
fprintf(1,'Computing the optimal solution of problem 1... ');

cvx_begin quiet
    variable x(n)
    minimize ( norm ( A*x - b , p) )

fprintf(1,'Done! \n');
opt1 = cvx_optval;

% Reformulation 1
fprintf(1,'Computing the optimal solution of problem 2... ');

cvx_begin quiet
    variables x(n) y(m)
    minimize ( norm ( y , p ) )
    A*x - b == y;

fprintf(1,'Done! \n');
opt2 = cvx_optval;

% Dual of reformulation 1
fprintf(1,'Computing the optimal solution of problem 3... ');

cvx_begin quiet
    variable nu(m)
    maximize ( b'*nu )
    norm( nu , q ) <= 1;
    A'*nu == 0;

fprintf(1,'Done! \n');
opt3 = cvx_optval;

% Reformulation 2
fprintf(1,'Computing the optimal solution of problem 4... ');

cvx_begin quiet
    variables x(n) y(m)
    minimize ( 0.5 * square_pos ( norm ( y , p ) ) )
    A*x - b == y;

fprintf(1,'Done! \n');
opt4 = (2*cvx_optval).^(.5);

% Dual of reformulation 2
fprintf(1,'Computing the optimal solution of problem 5... ');

cvx_begin quiet
    variable nu(m)
    maximize ( -0.5 * square_pos ( norm ( nu , q ) ) + b'*nu )
    A'*nu == 0;

fprintf(1,'Done! \n');
opt5 = (2*cvx_optval).^(0.5);

% Displaying results
disp('The optimal residual values for problems 1,2,3,4 and 5 are respectively:');
[ opt1 opt2 opt3 opt4 opt5 ]'
disp('They are equal as expected!');
Computing the optimal solution of problem 1... Done! 
Computing the optimal solution of problem 2... Done! 
Computing the optimal solution of problem 3... Done! 
Computing the optimal solution of problem 4... Done! 
Computing the optimal solution of problem 5... Done! 
The optimal residual values for problems 1,2,3,4 and 5 are respectively:

ans =


They are equal as expected!