n = 10;
a = randn(n,1);
b = randn(1);
x0 = randn(n,1);
fprintf(1,'Computing the analytical solution ...');
pc_x0 = x0 + (b - a'*x0)*a/norm(a)^2;
fprintf(1,'Done! \n');
fprintf(1,'Computing the optimal solution by solving a QP ...');
cvx_begin quiet
variable x(n)
minimize ( square_pos(norm(x - x0)) )
a'*x == b;
fprintf(1,'Done! \n');
disp('Verifying that p_C(x0) and x_star belong to the hyperplane C: ');
disp(['a^T*p_C(x0) - b = ' num2str(a'*pc_x0 - b)]);
disp(['a^T*x_star - b = ' num2str(a'*x - b)]);
disp('Computing the distance between x0 and the hyperplane in each case');
disp(['||x0 - p_C(x0)|| = ' num2str(norm(x0 - pc_x0))]);
disp(['||x0 - x_star || = ' num2str(norm(x0 - x))]);
disp('Verifying that the analytical solution and the solution obtained via QP are equal: ');
[pc_x0 x]
Computing the analytical solution ...Done!
Computing the optimal solution by solving a QP ...Done!
Verifying that p_C(x0) and x_star belong to the hyperplane C:
a^T*p_C(x0) - b = 0
a^T*x_star - b = -2.2204e-16
Computing the distance between x0 and the hyperplane in each case
||x0 - p_C(x0)|| = 0.18218
||x0 - x_star || = 0.18218
Verifying that the analytical solution and the solution obtained via QP are equal:
ans =
-0.6316 -0.6316
1.2834 1.2834
-0.6345 -0.6345
0.5984 0.5984
-0.4016 -0.4016
-0.0343 -0.0343
-1.3458 -1.3458
-1.1631 -1.1631
1.0003 1.0003
0.0072 0.0072