Function list
Main TFOCS programs | |
tfocs | Minimize a convex problem using a first-order algorithm. |
tfocs_SCD | Smoothed conic dual form of TFOCS, for problems with non-trivial linear operators. |
continuation | Meta-wrapper to run TFOCS_SCD in continuation mode. |
Miscellaneous functions | |
tfocs_version | Version information. |
tfocs_where | Returns the location of the TFOCS system. |
Operator calculus | |
linop_adjoint | Computes the adjoint operator of a TFOCS linear operator |
linop_compose | Composes two TFOCS linear operators |
linop_scale | Scaling linear operator. |
prox_dualize | Define a proximity function by its dual |
prox_scale | Scaling a proximity/projection function. |
tfunc_scale | Scaling a function. |
tfunc_sum | Sum of functions. |
tfocs_normsq | Squared norm. |
linop_normest | Estimates the operator norm. |
Linear operators | |
linop_matrix | Linear operator, assembled from a matrix. |
linop_dot | Linear operator formed from a dot product. |
linop_fft | Fast Fourier transform linear operator. |
linop_TV | 2D Total-Variation (TV) linear operator. |
linop_TV3D | 3D Total-Variation (TV) linear operator. |
linop_handles | Linear operator from user-supplied function handles. |
linop_spot | Linear operator, assembled from a SPOT operator. |
linop_reshape | Linear operator to perform reshaping of matrices. |
linop_subsample | Subsampling linear operator. |
linop_vec | Matrix to vector reshape operator |
Projection operators (proximity operators for indicator functions) | |
proj_0 | Projection onto the set {0} (for equality constraints) |
proj_box | Projection onto box constraints. |
proj_l1 | Projection onto the scaled 1-norm ball \(\{x\,|\,\|x\|_1\leq q\}\). |
proj_l2 | Projection onto the scaled 2-norm ball \(\{x\,|\,\|x\|_2\leq q\}\). |
proj_linf | Projection onto the scaled \(\infty\)-norm ball \(\{x\,|\,\|x\|_\infty\leq q\}\). |
proj_linfl2 | Projection of each row of a matrix onto the scaled \(2\)-norm ball \(\{x\,|\,\|x\|_2\leq q\}\). |
proj_max | Projection onto the scaled set of vectors \(\{x\,|\,\max_i x_i\leq q\}\). |
proj_nuclear | Projection onto the set of matrices with bounded nuclear norm: \(\{X\,|\,\sum_i \sigma_i(X) \leq q\}\) |
proj_psd | Projection onto the positive semidefinite (PSD) cone: \(\{X\,|\,X=X^T,\,\lambda_{\text{min}}(X)\geq 0\}\) |
proj_psdUTrace | Projection onto the PSD cone with fixed trace: \(\{X\,|\,X=X^T,\,\lambda_{\text{min}}(X)\geq 0,\,\mathop{\textrm{Tr}}(X)=q\}\) |
proj_Rn | “Projection” onto the entire space. |
proj_Rplus | Projection onto the nonnegative orthant \(\{x\,|\,\min_i x_i\geq 0\}\). |
proj_simplex | Projection onto the simplex \(\{x\,|\,\min_i x_i\geq 0\,\sum_i x_i=1\}\). |
proj_conic | Projection onto the second-order (aka Lorentz) cone. |
proj_singleAffine | Projection onto a single affine equality or in-equality constraint. |
proj_boxAffine | Projection onto a single affine equality along with box constraints. |
proj_affine | Projection onto general affine equations, e.g., solutions of linear equations. |
proj_l2group | Projection of each group of coordinates onto 2-norm balls. |
proj_spectral | Projection onto the set of matrices with bounded spectral norm: \(\{X\,|\,\sigma_{\text{max}}(X) \leq q\}\) |
proj_maxEig | Projection onto the set of symmetric matrices with bounded maximum eigenvalue: \(\{X\,|\,X=X^T,\,\lambda_{\text{max}}(X)\leq q\}\). |
Proximity operators of general convex functions | |
prox_0 | The zero proximity function: |
prox_boxDual | Dual function of box indicator function { l <= x <= u } |
prox_hinge | Hinge-loss function. |
prox_hingeDual | Dual function of the Hinge-loss function. |
prox_l1 | \(\ell_1\) norm. |
prox_Sl1 | Sorted/ordered \(\ell_1\) norm; see the ordered l1 page for info. |
prox_l1l2 | \(\ell_1\)-\(\ell_2\) block norm: the sum of the \(\ell_2\) norms of rows. |
prox_l1linf | \(\ell_1\)-\(\ell_\infty\) block norm: the max of the \(\ell_2\) norms of rows. |
prox_l1pos | \(\ell_1\) norm, restricted to \(x \geq 0\). |
prox_l2 | \(\ell_2\) norm. |
prox_linf | \(\ell_\infty\) norm. |
prox_max | Maximum function. |
prox_nuclear | Nuclear norm. |
prox_spectral | Spectral norm, i.e. max singular value. |
prox_maxEig | Maximum eigenvalue of a symmetric matrix. |
prox_trace | Nuclear norm, for positive semidefinite matrices. Equivalent to trace. |
Smooth functions | |
smooth_constant | Constant function generation. |
smooth_entropy | The entropy function \(-\sum_i x_i\log x_i\) |
smooth_handles | Smooth function from separate \(f\) / \(g\) handles. |
smooth_huber | Huber function generation. |
smooth_linear | Linear function generation. |
smooth_logdet | The \(-\log\det(X)\) function. |
smooth_logLLogistic | Log-likelihood function of a logistic: \(\sum_i y_i \mu_i – log( 1+\exp(\mu_i) )\) |
smooth_logLPoisson | Log-likelihood of a Poisson: \(\sum_i -\lambda_i + x_i \cdot \log( \lambda_i)\) |
smooth_logsumexp | The function \(\log(\sum_i \exp(x_i))\) |
smooth_quad | Quadratic function generation. |
Testing functions | |
test_nonsmooth | Runs diagnostic tests to ensure a non-smooth function conforms to TFOCS conventions |
test_proxPair | Runs diagnostics on a pair of functions to check if they are Legendre conjugates. |
test_smooth | Runs diagnostic checks on a TFOCS smooth function object. |
linop_test | Performs an adjoint test on a linear operator. |
Premade solvers for specific problems (vector variables) | |
solver_L1RLS | l1-regularized least squares problem, sometimes called the LASSO. \( \min_x .5\|Ax-b\|_2^2 + \lambda \|x\|_1 \) |
solver_LASSO | Minimize residual subject to \(\ell_1\)-norm constraints. \( \min_x .5\|Ax-b\|_2^2\) subject to \( \|x\|_1 \le \tau \) |
solver_SLOPE | Sorted L-One Penalized Estimation; like LASSO but with an ordered \(\ell_1\)-norm; see documentation. |
solver_sBP | Basis pursuit (l1-norm with equality constraints). Uses smoothing. \( \min_x \|x\|_1 \) subject to \(Ax=b\) |
solver_sBPDN | Basis pursuit de-noising. BP with relaxed constraints. Uses smoothing. \( \min_x \|x\|_1 \) subject to \(\|Ax-b\|_2 \le \epsilon\) |
solver_sBPDN_W | Weighted BPDN problem. Uses smoothing. \( \min_x \|Wx\|_1 \) subject to \(\|Ax-b\|_2 \le \epsilon\) |
solver_sBPDN_WW | BPDN with two separate (weighted) \(\ell_1\)-norm terms. Uses smoothing. \( \min_x \|W^{(1)}x\|_1+\|W^{(2)}x\|_1 \) subject to \(\|Ax-b\|_2 \le \epsilon\) |
solver_sDantzig | Dantzig selector problem. Uses smoothing. \( \min_x \|x\|_1 \) subject to \(\|A^T(Ax-b)\|_\infty \le \delta\) |
solver_sDantzig_W | Weighted Dantzig selector problem. Uses smoothing. \( \min_x \|Wx\|_1 \) subject to \(\|A^T(Ax-b)\|_\infty \le \delta\) |
solver_sLP | Generic linear programming in standard form. Uses smoothing. \( \min_x c^Tx \) subject to \(x \ge 0\) and \( Ax=b\) |
solver_sLP_box | Generic linear programming with box constraints. Uses smoothing. \( \min_x c^Tx \) subject to \(\ell \le x \le u\) and \( Ax=b\) |
Premade solvers for specific problems (matrix variables) | |
Here, \(\mathcal{A}\) is a generic linear operator and \(\mathcal{A}_\Omega\) is the sub-sampling operator that samples entries in \(\Omega\). The nuclear/trace norm is written \( \|\cdot\|_{\text{tr}} \) |
solver_psdComp | Matrix completion for PSD matrices. \( \min_X .5\| \mathcal{A}_\Omega(X) – b\|_2^2 \) subject to \( X \succeq 0\) |
solver_psdCompConstrainedTrace | Matrix completion with constrained trace, for PSD matrices. \( \min_X .5\| \mathcal{A}_\Omega(X) – b\|_2^2 \) subject to \( X \succeq 0\) and \( \textrm{trace}(X)=\tau) |
solver_TraceLS | Unconstrained form of trace-regularized least-squares problem. \( \min_X .5\| \mathcal{A}(X) – b\|_2^2 + \lambda \textrm{trace}(X)\) subject to \( X \succeq 0\) |
solver_sNuclearBP | Nuclear norm basis pursuit problem (i.e. matrix completion). Uses smoothing. \( \min_X \|X\|_{\text{tr}} \) subject to \( \mathcal{A}_\Omega(X) = b\) |
solver_sNuclearBPDN | Nuclear norm basis pursuit problem with relaxed constraints. Uses smoothing. \( \min_X \|X\|_{\text{tr}} \) subject to \( \|\mathcal{A}_\Omega(X) – b\|_2 \le \epsilon\) |
solver_sSDP | Generic semi-definite programs (SDP). Uses smoothing. \( \min_X \text{tr}(C^TX) \) subject to \(X \succeq 0\) and \( \mathcal{A}(X) = b\) |
solver_sLMI | Generic linear matrix inequality problems (LMI is the dual of a SDP). Uses smoothing. \( \min_y b^Ty \) subject to \( A_0 + \sum_i A_i y_i \succeq 0\) |
Algorithm variants | |
tfocs_AT | Auslender and Teboulle’s accelerated method. Reference: Auslender, A., Teboulle, M.: Interior gradient and proximal methods for convex and conic optimization. SIAM J. Optim. 16(3), 697–725 (2006) |
tfocs_GRA | Gradient descent. |
tfocs_LLM | Lan, Lu and Monteiro’s accelerated method. Reference: Lan, G., Lu, Z., Monteiro, R.D.C.: Primal-dual first-order methods with O(1/eps) iteration-complexity for cone programming. Math. Program. Ser. A (2009) |
tfocs_N07 | Nesterov’s 2007 accelerated method. References: Nesterov, Y.: Introductory Lectures on Convex Optimization: A Basic Course. Applied Optimization, vol. 87. Kluwer, Boston (2004); Nesterov,Y.: Gradient methods for minimizing composite objective function. Technical report (later published in Math. Prog. Series B), CORE 2007/76, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (2007) |
tfocs_N83 | Nesterov’s 1983 accelerated method; also by Beck and Teboulle 2005 (FISTA). References: Nesterov, Y.: A method for unconstrained convex minimization problem with the rate of convergence O(1/k2). Doklady AN USSR; Nesterov, Y.: Smooth minimization of non-smooth functions. Math. Program. Ser. A 103, 127– 152 (2005); Beck, A., Teboulle, M.:A fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems. SIAM J. Imaging Sci. 2(1), 183–202 (2009) |
tfocs_TS | Tseng’s modification of Nesterov’s 2007 method. Reference: Tseng, P.: On accelerated proximal gradient methods for convex-concave optimization. (2008). |