CVX on Octave: an update

GNU Octave 4.0 was released on May 29, 2015. This was the culmination of a lot of hard work. The Octave development should be proud! I’m pleased to find that the patches I submitted to allow for CVX compatibility were scheduled for 4.0. That means we are now a lot closer to supporting CVX on Octave!

The current build of CVX 3.0 is functional enough in Octave 4.0 to be considered “alpha” quality. We are not ready to begin providing support for Octave, but if you enjoy testing bleeding edge software, you are more than welcome to give it a try.

There are some very important caveats to consider, however, before proceeding.

I cannot emphasize this enough: we do not support CVX on Octave yet. If you need CVX for your research, you would be taking an unreasonable risk to depend on the Octave version. So don’t; stick with MATLAB.

But we’re getting there. Once we are satisfied with the stability of CVX on Octave, and we have figured out how to supply binaries for the major platforms, we will make further announcements!