CVX 2.0 beta period extended; new license key posted
We’re hard at work getting ready for the full release of CVX 2.0. We have incorporated some great feedback from our users already, including bug fixes submitted to our help desk and issues raised on our Q&A site.
We are committed to offering academic licenses at no charge—and with as little inconvenience as possible. I have been hard at work building the infrastructure to support that. But it looks like that work will not be finished by the time the beta period ends in two weeks—on October 31, 2012. For that reason, I have created a new beta license key that extends the beta period another month—to November 30, 2012.
To grab the new license key, click on this link to be taken to our help desk site. There you will find a link to download the new license key, as well as instructions for installing it.
Remember, a license key is required only if you need to use CVX with commercial solvers. If you are content with SDPT3 or SeDuMi, a license is unnecessary.
EDIT: We’ve posted a new version of CVX 2.0 beta on the download page that includes the license key, as well as a couple of minor fixes.