CVX 2.0 beta updated; academic licenses available

A new version of CVX 2.0 beta has been posted to the web site. Please go get it. We’ve fixed a handful of bugs, but most importantly, we’ve completed the licensing engine. As with the previous beta, this version comes … (more) →

CVX 2.0 beta period extended; new license key posted

We’re hard at work getting ready for the full release of CVX 2.0. We have incorporated some great feedback from our users already, including bug fixes submitted to our help desk and issues raised on our Q&A site. We are … (more) →

A new support option: the CVX Forum

CVX has reached a download pace of over 10,000 downloads per year! The acceptance of CVX in research settings has been amazing—and challenging. Supporting all of our users via email, as we have done for the last 6 years, is … (more) →

Mixed-integer support in CVX 2.0

Gurobi and MOSEK, the first commercial solvers we have connected to CVX, support mixed-integer models: models with one or more variables constrained to assume integer or even binary (0/1) values. Such variables can be used not just in linear programs, … (more) →

Announcing CVX 2.0 beta

We are proud to announce the release of CVX 2.0. We have added some interesting new features, big and small, and are looking forward to seeing our users exploit them! Some of the highlights include: Solve problems using commercial solvers … (more) →

CVX wins the Beale Orchard-Hayes prize!

Michael Grant & Stephen Boyd were selected to win the 2012 Beale Orchard-Hays Prize for Excellence in Computational Mathematical Programming. This award is presented once every three years by the Mathematical Optimization Society, and is given in memory of Martin … (more) →

CVX Research, Inc. is here.

A few years ago, I was able to secure the four-letter domain “”. I’d have loved to secure “”, but unfortunately the Connecticut Valley Electric Exchange got there first. (And they call themselves CONVEX no less. The nerve…) Still, a … (more) →